One out of three students hates reading. We’re changing that.

In this short video, founder, Elliott Hedman talks about why he made Wonder Stories.

Wonder Stories In Action

The skin conductance of a 3rd Grade English Language learner reading Dr. Doolittle. He and Dr. Doolittle we’re not the best of friends.

The skin conductance of a 3rd Grade English Language learner reading Dr. Doolittle. He and Dr. Doolittle we’re not the best of friends.

That same child reading Wonder Stories, each spike represents a moment of engagement or critical thinking.

That same child reading Wonder Stories, each spike represents a moment of engagement or critical thinking.


We apologize in advance for the quality. We had the talk ready to give, and then Covid-19 occurred, cancelling SXSW. So you get to see Elliott talk about important things about reading in his living room.